Monday, September 21, 2020

Fish pie


› 675 g of filleted fish

› 1 onion, finely chopped

› few drops of lemon juice

› 150 ml of water

› 275 ml of low-fat milk

› 25 g of low-fat spread

› 1 dstsp of plain flour

› pinch of salt if desired

› pepper

› 8 potatoes, cooked and mashed

› 40 g of frozen peas

› 2 carrots, chopped


1. Skin the fish and cut into 4 pieces. Wash in cold water.

2. Place in a saucepan with onion and lemon juice. Add the water and milk.

Cover and cook gently for 10 minutes.

3. Drain the fish, saving the stock.

4. Melt the low-fat spread in a saucepan. Add the flour and cook for

2 minutes until it forms a soft ball. Remove from heat and add fish

stock gradually, stirring continuously. Bring to the boil, reduce heat

and cook for another 2 minutes, still stirring.

5. Grease a casserole dish and add a little sauce. Place fish in dish and

cover with the salt and pepper, remaining sauce, peas and carrots.

6. Spoon the mashed potatoes over the filling.

7. Brown under the grill or in the oven.

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